Benefits of Volunteering and Community Service

Benefits of Volunteering and Community Service

Volunteering involves giving your time and abilities to help others, usually a community or non-profit organization, without the expectation of financial compensation. Many organizations rely on the dedicated work of
Overcoming Evil with Good

Overcoming Evil with Good

Holy Week comes to us this year in the midst of a terrible war being waged in Eastern Europe. The suffering and death experienced by the Ukranian people is hard
We Try Again

We Try Again

Lent begins with the receiving of ashes, a penitential practice that dates back over a millennium. To the outsider it might appear to be a very strange ritual, but to
40 Days is Time Enough

40 Days is Time Enough

Ash Wednesday seems to suddenly appear on our calendar, and in fact it is only a few weeks away. Are we ready for this penitential season?  All that has led
Christmas Every Day

Christmas Every Day

If store decorations are any indication, you would think that the Christmas Season begins the day after Halloween- or perhaps even before it! And certainly, by the end of November,
An Evening to Remember

An Evening to Remember

Every year hundreds of Vincentians – those in leadership as well as regular members of conferences- gather in a major U.S. city to participate in the Annual National Assembly.
Thoughts on our National Conference

Thoughts on our National Conference

Every year hundreds of Vincentians – those in leadership as well as regular members of conferences- gather in a major U.S. city to participate in the Annual National Assembly.
What Ever Happened To “The Common Good?”

What Ever Happened To “The Common Good?”

In 1973 Karl Menninger, a renowned psychiatrist and founder of the Menninger Clinic, published a book entitled, Whatever Happened to Sin?.
Coincidences or Connections

Coincidences or Connections

Many years ago I was preaching on an Easter Sunday morning. There was a large crowd in attendance as you might expect.
The Surprising Work of the Spirit

The Surprising Work of the Spirit

With almost half of Americans receiving the COVID vaccine, the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be getting brighter.