40 Days is Time Enough

Ash Wednesday seems to suddenly appear on our calendar, and in fact it is only a few weeks away. Are we ready for this penitential season?  All that has led up to this date at the beginning of March suggests that we are in a different place and time in Lent of 2022. The on-going pandemic, the pressure of inflation, the pending military conflict in Ukraine, the continuing political polarization – to name just a few items – suggests that we are living through a different era than before. The very term  “normal” is open to debate.

One constant amid all these events is the call to conversion and a change of heart which is at the core of the  Lenten Season. While most of us have regular penitential practices, we take up each year, this year of 2022 might call for something different. And the question might be posed this way: what do I need to do this Lent which will best bring me to the new life of Easter? It might be a traditional practice, but it also might be something different in light of all that has transpired over the past year.

The church suggests 3 basic practices – prayer, fasting, and acts of charity. They provide a good starting point,  but each of us must fashion a specific act of penance that best allows the Spirit  to be at work in us. All the unique circumstances of our lives can give us the ingredients that will result in a true change of heart. Our work for St. Vincent de Paul can be one of those ingredients.

It helps if we also consider some practical points. What we undertake as a Lenten penance should be realistic and doable. Spending an hour in prayer every day might be a noble endeavor but may not be achievable. It is important to also be consistent in our practice-something we do each day as best we can. And don’t wait for the morning of Ash Wednesday to consider what you might do.  Now is an opportune time to reflect and pray over where the Spirit might be leading you.

The church tells us that 40 days is time enough to “Repent and believe in the Gospel,” time enough for that change of heart that will bring us to Easter joy.