Benefits of Volunteering and Community Service

Close-up image of volunteers stacking hands to express support and unity before starting work

Volunteering involves giving your time and abilities to help others, usually a community or non-profit organization, without the expectation of financial compensation. Many organizations rely on the dedicated work of volunteers to accomplish day-to-day activities and achieve long-term goals that help others in need. 

Big changes take group efforts; many organizations can only accomplish their great work because of the help and time given by volunteers. Though some see donating money as the best and most powerful way to help charities, volunteering can make just as much if not more of a difference. And the truth is, volunteering can also be beneficial for you, making it a win-win activity. 

Take a look at these volunteering benefits to help inspire you:

Meet New People

If you’re looking to make new friends, volunteering is a great place to start. Working as part of a team toward a positive goal can help you form bonds with complete strangers, and sometimes, these bonds can be long-lasting! Working for an organization also helps connect you to people who share similar qualities and interests.  

Learn About Other Ways of Life

Getting an opportunity to learn more about other perspectives is often undervalued and can change your way of thinking. Volunteering for different programs can expose you to new cultures and ways of life you’ve never seen before, enhancing your worldview and social flexibility.   

Gain a Sense of Purpose and Happiness

We’re all on a quest toward a happier life, and volunteering can help you take a pivotal step. Many regular volunteers agree that donating your skills and time to help others is a very fulfilling experience and can help you gain purpose in your life. As a result, you may also be generally happier, knowing you are doing good in the world. 

Physical Health Benefits

Volunteering offers physical health benefits, too! Doing activities you enjoy and are meaningful can help reduce your stress levels and boost your mood, which in return, provides various physical health advantages, including better sleep, a stronger immune system, and a healthier heart.  

Advance Your Skills and Career

If you’re looking to change your career path, learn new skills, and strengthen your abilities, volunteering can help. Every volunteer opportunity poses different challenges and tasks; many jobs can help you adjust to working in teams, improve your problem-solving skills, etc. And, to top it all off, volunteering looks great on your resume! Companies love to see hard-working candidates who care for their community and have a passion for helping others.  

Are you looking to volunteer on Long Island? Consider donating your time to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. 

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been helping Long Islanders for more than 70 years in a multitude of ways; no work of charity is foreign to the society.  

We provide financial and material assistance, along with emotional and spiritual comfort, to help people facing all sorts of challenges. Although affiliated with the Catholic Church, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul helps anyone in need regardless of their race, religion, age, or citizenship status. 

Get in contact with us and learn more about how we help our community, how to donate, and our volunteer opportunities on our website.