Building a future: One Neighbor’s Story

After emigrating from Trinidad with his mother at 16 years old, Sam’s* life fell apart. His mother was diagnosed and subsequently died from cancer. His aunt, a single mother of three with her own struggles took him in and he enrolled in the local high school. He distinguished himself as a good student, enthusiastic volunteer and a responsible young adult. Sam had a modest goal of becoming a licensed electrician. However, he did not have the financial resources for the 2- year Associates Degree program at Delhi University that his guidance counselor suggested. Through the intervention of St. Mary’s Conference benefactors, the conference was able to fund his tuition and board. In May of 2021, Sam graduated from Delhi and he is now employed as an electrician.

“I was so excited to receive this scholarship. I knew I could do the work, now I had a way to get there.” ~ Sam

*Name changed for confidentiality