The Gift of Your Love is Endless

The Gift of Your Love is Endless

A young, single mother had her car stolen while at the gas station, and the thief crashed the vehicle. Her basic liability insurance would not cover the claim, so she
Bringing Peace of Mind to Families in Need

Bringing Peace of Mind to Families in Need

When we met this family—a mother, father, their 2-year-old, and a 4-month-old—they were in a heartbreaking situation. After living in a shelter, they lost everything they owned to a roach
A Hand-Up, Not a Hand-Out: Let’s Make a Lasting Impact

A Hand-Up, Not a Hand-Out: Let’s Make a Lasting Impact

At the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Long Island, We Help People…by offering person-to-person services. SVDPLI reaches beyond the traditional scope of social services and into the hearts of
Building a future: One Neighbor’s Story

Building a future: One Neighbor’s Story

After emigrating from Trinidad with his mother at 16 years old, Sam’s* life fell apart. His mother was diagnosed and subsequently died from cancer. His aunt, a single mother of
Out of the Fire: One Neighbor’s Story

Out of the Fire: One Neighbor’s Story

Winter can be a perilous time for homeowners, struggling to keep their dwellings warm amidst the freezing temperatures and onslaught of snow.
Christmas in 2020

Christmas in 2020

Our program is designed to not only equip our residents with the tools they need to successfully reenter society, but to develop lifelong friendships with the staff and their fellow
Summer BBQ 2020

Summer BBQ 2020

Our program is designed to not only equip our residents with the tools they need to successfully reenter society, but to develop lifelong friendships with the staff and their fellow