5 Creative Ideas on What to Give up For Lent

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Lent is a time of sacrifice and reflection, but it doesn’t have to be all about giving up the same things year after year. Remember, it doesn’t have to be just about sacrifice; instead, focus on ways your commitment can benefit yourself and those around you! 

If you’re looking for new ideas on what to give up for lent, consider these: 

1. Shopping For New Clothes

One of the most common things people give up for Lent is shopping, but have you ever considered putting an extra spin on this idea? Instead of simply abstaining from buying new things, challenge yourself to only shop second-hand at your local thrift stores during Lent. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it will also reduce waste and help build your local economy.

2. Spending Your Free Time on Electronic Devices

We all know that social media, video games, and television can be addictive, making it difficult to tear ourselves away from our phones and computers. This Lent season, why not challenge yourself by abstaining from or limiting your time on your electronics? You’ll be surprised how freeing it feels and how much more productive you can become without the distraction of constant notifications. If you’re wondering how to spend your new free time, consider volunteering for a local organization helping your community. 

3. Complaining

Complaining has become such a habit that many don’t even realize how often they do it. Maybe this is something you want to work on this season — try committing yourself to at least a month without complaining about anything! This will take some practice (and lots of patience!), but over time it will help improve your attitude and outlook on life.

4. Waste 

If you want a challenge this season, consider committing yourself to reduce waste in any way possible. Start small with little changes like bringing reusable bags when grocery shopping or saying no straws with drinks at restaurants. Eventually, these habits will become second nature, and you’ll feel happy knowing your actions are protecting the environment.  

5. Unnecessary Expenses

Instead of ordering takeout or buying new things you don’t need, consider giving that money to a local charity working to benefit your community and those in it. Spend your lent enjoying more time at home and learning ways to save your expenses, and then take some or all of your savings from lent and donate it to a case you want to support. 

Are you looking to support a Long Island charitable organization? Consider donating your time or money to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. 

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been helping Long Islanders for more than 70 years in a multitude of ways; no work of charity is foreign to the society.  

We provide financial and material assistance, along with emotional and spiritual comfort, to help people facing all sorts of challenges. Although affiliated with the Catholic Church, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul helps anyone in need regardless of their race, religion, age, or citizenship status. 

Get in contact with us and learn more about how we help our community, how to donate, and our volunteer opportunities on our website.