Get Involved
“But be kind and love, for love is your first gift to the poor. They will appreciate your kindness and your love more than all else you bring them.”
– Blessed Rosalie Rendu
Within every community on Long Island, there are people who are struggling to pay the rent, to put food on the table, and to clothe their children in the winter. There are hundreds of thousands of people, including children, adults, elderly, disabled persons, and veterans who live below or well within the poverty level and make just enough to get by.
Will You Help Us Help Others?
We invite you to get involved. Be a beacon of light in a dark sea. You can do something as small as donating your gently used goods, or something as big as becoming a Vincentian volunteer; donating your time, treasure and talents to the cause of abating poverty on Long Island.
You will be amazed at how helping others has a way of transforming you. Witnessing the challenges of those much less fortunate and their strength to persevere nevertheless is one of the top reasons our volunteers continue to donate their time to serve others.
How Will You Grow In Holiness?
The challenges Vincentians face today—like those faced by the Society’s founders—are to understand and respond to the needs of marginalized people brought on by a society that is in transition. With our increasing dependence on technology and globalization of the economy, how will these changes affect the way we live?
The Society will go forward to meet these challenge relying on God’s grace, the dedication and commitment of the Vincentian men and women, and community support for the Society’s mission.