Easter Presence
During this Easter season there are a number of occasions when Jesus appears to his disciples after the resurrection.
Easter 2021 – Unlike Any Other
A year ago in 2020 we were in lockdown mode and were unable to attend Holy Week services…
Living in the light
Last Sunday in St. John’s gospel we heard about the images of light and darkness.
The Five Essentials of Vincentian Spirituality
There is no doubt that we would consider St.Vincent de Paul a man of great holiness, as evidenced by his life-long commitment to serving the poor.
Lent 2021 – Facing the Spiritual Virus
Vaccines are arriving! More and more people are being vaccinated- over 50 million across the country, and it can come none too soon.
Friendship From Within and Without
The Vincentian mission statement tells us that we are “a network of friends inspired by gospel values.”
Christmas in 2020
Our program is designed to not only equip our residents with the tools they need to successfully reenter society, but to develop lifelong friendships with the staff and their fellow residents.
Summer BBQ 2020
Our program is designed to not only equip our residents with the tools they need to successfully reenter society, but to develop lifelong friendships with the staff and their fellow residents.