What do we mean when we refer to "Vincentian Spirituality?"
Why are home visits so important to our Ministry?
What is the connection between charity and justice?
What does the future hold for SVDP?
We will provide the answers to these questions and more at
Ozanam Orientation.

You Are Invited:
2 Part Session
The Ozanam Orientation
You are invited and encouraged to attend our next Ozanam Orientation which will be held in person in the SVDP Annex, 259 Broadway, Bethpage, NY 11714 and via the Zoom platform in 2 sessions TBD. Attendance in both sessions is required. Translation will be available.
Register online when our next session is announced or call Central Council.
Central Council: 516-822-3132

Who should Attend:
• New members looking for a comprehensive introduction to SVDP
• Current members wanting to better understand Vincentian life and service
• Seasoned Vincentians desiring a deeper experience of the Society

More Information:
Ozanam Orientation is a “Formation and Training Program” developed by the National Council. It has received very positive reviews from both new Vincentians and those with 30-40 years of experience. The purpose of the program is to introduce new members to the message “who we are and what we are all about” and to reacquaint existing members with our spirituality and heritage. New Vincentians benefit tremendously from Ozanam Orientation because it provides an overview of the history, spirituality, structure, and current endeavors of the Society, as well as in-depth understanding poverty and home visit segments. However, even the most experienced Vincentians have gained new insights by attending this formation event. Of great importance is the sharing and learning that takes place when members of different conferences come together and have opportunities to interact with each other during break-out sessions.
Attendance is open to all conference members; however, it is a requirement for those who are new to the Society in the last year or those who have not participated previously. We look forward to all active and associate members completing this program and ask Conference Presidents specifically to promote participation at their next meeting. Should you need more information about which members have not completed the program, please contact the Central Office.
Our Rule states, “It is essential that the Society continually promote the formation and training of its members and Officers, in order to deepen their knowledge of the Society and their spirituality, improve the sensitivity, quality and efficiency of their service to the poor and help them be aware of the benefits, resources and opportunities that are available for the poor. The Society also offers members higher training in order to better help to raise the cultural and social level of those who request this support.” (3.12)